Privacy Policy

MIRARTH Holdings, Inc. (hereinafter, the “Company”) recognizes that the protection and appropriate management of personal information is an important social responsibility, and establishes, implements and maintains the Privacy Policy as follows.

1. Basic Policy
The Company respects and complies with the laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and public order, and strives to handle and protect personal information appropriately.
2. Acquisition, Use and Provision of Personal Information
The Company acquires personal information in a legitimate and appropriate manner, and announces, notifies or specifies the purpose of use. The Company will not handle personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use without the consent of the person concerned. In addition, when providing or disclosing personal information to a third party, the Company will do so in accordance with the procedures prescribed by laws and regulations.
3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The purposes of use of personal information that the Company obtains are as follows:
  • (1)Contract fulfillment and provision of information and services related to subdivision, sales, brokerage, leasing, management, appraisal of real estate; construction contracting; solar power generation-related business; specified-scale electricity business; insurance agency; financial business; investment-related business; sale of goods; hotel and leisure-related business; planning, operation and management of restaurants.
  • (2)Provision of personal information to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use described in (1) above.
  • (3)Sales and marketing activities, such as solicitations, advertisements, or questionnaire surveys, by in-person visits, mail, telephone, e-mail, or other communication methods to achieve the contract fulfillment and provision of information and services in relation to (1).
  • (4)Customer trend analysis in relation to each of the businesses in (1) and survey analysis for product development and others.
  • (5)The provision of information and services and the display of advertisements will be suspended upon the request of the person concerned.
4. Joint Use of Personal Data
  • (1) In the following cases, personal data retained by the Company will be provided to joint users (*), including the Company's Corporate Group Information (**), in writing, by mail, telephone, internet, e-mail, advertising media or other communication methods with respect to the required items such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, family structure, place of employment, and annual income. In addition to the purposes of use of personal information described in 3 above, personal information will be used for business, sales activities, customer trend analysis or survey analysis conducted by the joint users. Specified personal information received from customers will not be provided or disclosed to third parties, including the Company's Corporate Group Information and joint users, except for the following cases:
    • (i) When a customer gives their consent.
    • (ii) When provision is required by laws and regulations.
    • (iii) When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain consent from the person concerned.
    • (iii) When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain consent from the person concerned.
    • (v) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either of them to execute clerical work prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining consent from the person concerned is likely to impede the performance of such clerical work.
    • (vi) When personal information is provided or disclosed to joint users including the Company's Corporate Group Information to the extent necessary to achieve [3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information].

    *Joint users refer to companies designated to sell options, construction companies, management companies, moving companies, and other service providers when customers purchase or build houses; construction companies and design companies for the construction of condominiums and buildings; and other related parties who are necessary for the provision of services under the contracts by and between the Company/Company's Corporate Group Information and customers (including the anticipated contracts).

    **The Company's Corporate Group Information refer to the consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies of Takara Leben Co., Ltd. as stated in its annual securities report.

  • (2) Name, address, and representative of the company responsible for the management of personal dataTakara Leben Co., Ltd.
    1-8-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
    Shoichi Akisawa, Representative Director
5. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties
Personal data retained by the Company may be provided to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
In the event of provision, required items including name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, family structure, place of employment, annual income will be provided to third parties in writing, by mail, telephone, internet, e-mail, advertising media or other communication methods.
Upon request from the person concerned, the provision of personal information will be suspended.
(Examples of third parties to be provided with personal information)
The Company's Corporate Group Information, financial institutions, judicial scriveners, moving companies, utility companies, sales agents, Real Estate Information Network Systems, real estate brokers, etc.
6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties Located Overseas
Except as otherwise required by laws and regulations, the Company will not provide personal data in its possession to third parties located overseas (meaning countries or regions outside of Japan) without obtaining the prior consent of the person concerned.
7. Safety Control Measures for Personal Information
The Company manages personal information in its possession appropriately and carefully, and takes necessary and appropriate safety control measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification, leakage and other unauthorized handling of personal information.
8. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information
The Company may outsource the handling of personal information in its possession to outside contractors to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In such cases, the Company will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the contractor in accordance with laws and regulations.
9. Procedures for Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
When the person concerned requests the Company to disclose, correct, suspend use of and disclose records of provision to third parties of personal information retained by the Company, the Company will handle these requests in accordance with laws and regulations and procedures separately prescribed by the Company after confirming the identity of the person concerned. Fees and postage incurred for disclosure requests and other procedures will be chargeable.
10. Inquiries about Personal Information
For questions and inquiries regarding the Company’s handling of personal information, please contact the following:

1-8-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Takara Leben Co., Ltd., Personal Information Consultation Service
TEL: +81-3-6551-2106 FAX: +81-3-6551-2109
(Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Monday to Friday)
11. Access Logs and Cookies
When you access the Company’s web pages, the date and time of your access, your domain name, IP address, browser type, operating system, and other information will be recorded and stored on the Company’s server in the form of an access log. The Company may also send cookies to your computer. The Company will use the results of analyzing access logs and cookies for the following purposes:
(1)Display advertisements and provide services related to new products and services according to tastes and preferences.
(2)Individually customize the information displayed on the Company’s website for each customer.
(3)Improve the user-friendliness of the Company’s website through statistical analysis of usage history and other information, input assistance and others.
(4)Manage servers, including security status monitoring.
Access logs will be deleted after a certain period of strict management in accordance with the Company’s regulations.
12. Links to Other Websites
The Company has no control over the content of websites operated by third parties other than the Company that are linked to/from the Company's website (hereinafter referred to as the "Linked Websites.") The Company is not responsible for the content of Linked Websites or any damages resulting from the use of Linked Websites.
13. Revision of This Policy
This policy will be reviewed and revised as necessary to meet legal requirements and further improve the protection of personal information.

June 17, 2024